sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

The Hopeless

(a poem for a friend)

She puts a bullet in his heart,
deep inside among the flesh,
where nobody can never reach it,
but he don´t die...

He rise against his will, because
that man thinks it is better to die
before watch her love walking away
from his side...

The flesh burns like hell
not for the bullet, but the betrayal pain...

She puts a bullet in his heart,
deep inside among the flesh,
where nobody can never reach it,
but he don´t die...

He only needs a medical prescription
with clinical depresion and Voilá...
tiny little boxes that guarantee that
love exist... at least their sweet effects.

*Nota: mi inglés como todos saben, es pesimo, si alguien quiere ayudar a corregir la gramatica de esto, es bienvenido...

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